For the Image Object exhibit next April we have decided to change some of the parameters that we had set for IO-1 – some fine tuning based on the experience of having delivered one event but also the desire to mix it up and keep it fresh.
Plates submitted to IO-2 by artists can be any ones they have made during their career rather than just the more recent. Also each artist can submit as many plates as they like (submission fee per plate as with IO-1) The submission period will be open for longer- the closing date for submissions is the 10th of January 2014.
More details to follow including a new submission form as well as announcements of Symposium speakers, Jurors and details on the trade fair, not to mention the crowding funding campaign.
Time for daguerreotypists to start casting their minds towards next years event – IO-2. To be held again at the Center for Alternative Photography on East 30th st in NYC and in the opening week of the AIPAD show. To make sure everyone has enough time we are extending the submission period to 5pm, 10th January, 2014.
With the success of IO-1 we are looking forward to bringing a new attraction to the event to further make it unmissable. In addition to the juried exhibition, the symposium and the opening night gala, IO-2 will also host the ImageObject Trade Fair.
As well as the selected artworks on display in the exhibition, artists are invited to offer an unlimited amount of artworks for sale in the ImageObject Trade Fair. The trade fair will run a similar format to the Daguerreian Society trade fairs except that it will be all about the contemporary daguerreotype. As well as artist tables their will be makers of contemporary equipment – Mercury pots, fuming boxes, plate supplies ad much more. Chamonix cameras have expressed an interest in having a table at the trade fair, if you know of a equipment manufacturer you think should be a vendor, let us know.
With the artist gallery pages on cdags, we are limiting the number of images on them to 30 per artist. Galleries can be updated at any time but if you reach the limit and want to add more, be sure to say which existing ones you want to be replaced. This way we hope to show the best and latest of works by the artists, please do consider updating your gallery by emailing images to
Casey Waters has been keeping busy shooting some new images with his dagwagon. He has been working with an assortment of plate sizes including 2.25×3.25 from an old Mamiya. To view the latest images check out his gallery page.
Jerry Spagnoli was recently in Paris to unveil his new collaborative installation. The 50 whole plates are from negatives shot by fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld. The show was curated and designed by Gerhard Steidl and sponsored by Fendi. It is presented in a temporary pavilion on the banks of the Seine and coincides with Haute Couture week in Paris. It is pretty safe to say that daguerreotypes have never been exhibited like this before! The exhibition will run through July 14.
Here is a recent synopsis of the spectacular event.
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Carlos Darío Albornoz has an exhibition of his daguerreotypes on display at the Logia Masónica Estrella de Tucumán, Argentina. They will be on display through July 9th, 2013. Below are some images from the opening reception.
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Oscar Colorado is a professor of advanced photography at the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City. He has created his first two daguerreotypes which have been added to his new gallery page.  You can read about the process on his blog (click for Spanish or English translation).
He would also like to announce the formation of the Mexican Society of Daguerreotype (Sociedad Mexicana de Daguerrotipo).  Information on this group can be found on their website. Below is a video from one of their workshops.
Lyle’s talk on contemporary photographic art has been uploaded as a series of videos, links to the first 4 of all 8 parts can be found on the IO symposium page –
Two new plates have been added to Walter Johnson’s gallery, at 80 years old Walter is one of the oldest practising daguerreotypists, I like many, hope to being still making daguerreotypes then, keep up the good work Walter!