Rather quiet at the front …

Home Forums Contemporary Daguerreotypy Rather quiet at the front …

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  • #18545

    Are there still contemporary practitioners … ?


    There still are, for sure.
    Me, for instance, I didn’t make dags lately, but I have all the tools and I didn’t give up the idea and practice.
    On the other hand, this forum (and website for that matter) is rather deserted for some years now.
    Is kind of sad, because it helped me to practice dag (from scratch) more than consistently.
    I know that it has a story, the founders wanted to sell it (cheap!) to somebody who would commit to mantain it and mantain its purpose. free info for all, meeting place for dag practicioners and info exchange, not afiliated to any organisation.
    Don’t know the latest news.


    The FB modern dag group is more active on posting but not the breadth of searchable practical information that is here in the forum archives. Most are Daguerreian Society members too. This place has been dead for years but I stop by every few months to see if anything has happened and usually it has not.


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