Hi All,
I do offer clad plates for sale. I’ve been using them for my own work for eleven years now. Clad plates have thicker silver than electroplating which allows for more re-use. The silver is also much softer which I believe results in a more traditional image tone. However, this requires a different polishing methodology than the jeweller’s wheel motor that many of you are familiar with. The cost is comparable to electroplated when you consider that you don’t have to prep copper to send to a plater. The total thickness is only .020 inch (similar to 19th century) which will save on weight when you take your hundred or so plates out for a days shooting.
The main disadvantage is that the rolling mills, annealing ovens and flattening machines today limit the maximum width to 4.25 inches.
Prices are in US dollars and do not include shipping
1/6 th plate $25.00
1/4 plate $45.00
4 X 5 plate $60.00
1/2 plate $65.00
If you want to make your own, I suggest you do it the way the French did.
all the best,
Mike Robinson