Hello guys, it’s been a little while since I dropped by. I have stopped making cameras for the time being; and have done a couple sets of dag boxes since then. I have had a steady stream of inquiries about dag boxes over the last year. Actually three in just the last two weeks. I have been gracefully declining the orders. Mainly because I CANNOT STAND to grind the dishes and mess with plexiglass.
Over the last few years, I’ve had so many guys give me the “rules & regs” of fume box designs. I would still like to be able to provide some of these on a small scale. I was checking out a guy in the UK and noticed he has no dish.
Let me just ask: would a box made of hardwood and only a plexi or garolite(bakelite) slide work? The bromine or iodides could put in just a shallow dish at the bottom. But, the slide would seal against the wood and not the dish as all my previous boxes.
I realize this may not be the most optimum seal as glass on glass and of course the fumes may eat the wood in 50 years or so, but would this be a viable, economic compromise for me to offer some of the guys here in the states?
I reckon to not be miss-leading in any way, I was looking at this design with possibly some changes.