In recent months we slowly have been adding to the material available through the Resources and Galleries sections of the website;
Galleries Section–
New Galleries showing Contemporary Cases and Passe Partout
Cameras by maker Ty Guillory
Additional content on the existing vintage equipment galleries.
Resources Section–
Articles by Contemporary Daguerreian John Hurlock on the finer points of mastering the process,
New sub-section on Daguerreotype Conservation,
Additional vintage manuals,
New section on video resources available on the internet about the Daguerreotype process,
New section on blogs related to Daguerreotypes
A new feature of the website is the Resources section to provide articles/manuals on Daguerreotypy as well as links and other essential textual information. We hope to grow this as online resource of renown, but it the meantime here is its humble beginnings. If you have articles or information you’d like to submit please contact the administrators – contact addresses now in the About section.

Recently added to the Galleries are views of equipment both modern and vintage; fuming boxes, modern meters including a uv light meter and also fume hoods. The latter gallery is in response to a discussion on the DagForum, where details are furnished of the portable fumehood.
I have been a long time fan of the Jewelers bench exchange which shows jewelry workers workspaces from all over the world, ranging from the impressive to the humble. The first two scenes on the fumehood page get both ends of that scale but it would be interesting and educational to see more, if you would like to contribute images, email them to admin(at)

As a commmunity blog and to provide topics of discussion for the DagForum, Contemporary Daguerreotypists who submit images for the Galleries section will have there logins to this site upgraded to “Author”. This allows you (if you wish) to make posts in this blog and upload images into those posts. It is hoped that Daguerreotypists will post what they are pursuing in the genre, images that they have recently shot or general thoughts on the genre. All users can leave comments on this site and the DagForum itself is open to all. To read more about this please see the “About” section of the site.
Newly added to the website in the galleries section, are images of daguerreotype equipment. It has taken a bit for me to get this wordpress software that runs this site to do what I want. So if you are experiencing any viewing problems please drop me a line. If anyone has images they would like to add to the gallery categories just let me know.