Submissions so far for the exhibit in Bry are in the left hand column of this page, some of the images submitted are posted in the thread in the dagforum;
If you would like to be in for a chance to be on the exhibiton poster don’t delay as it will finalised soon. Also I posted the submission form as a non editable pdf (my bad) here is the amended form and also as a word document;
Form for submission of Daguerreotypes to the Exhibition (pdf)
Form for submission of Daguerreotypes to the Exhibition (word document)
Currently the Daguerre association is the process of preparing a exhibition poster for this years exhibit. If you are planning on submitting images for the exhibition I would urge you to send Marc Kereun images of your daguerreotypes now so that your presence may heralded on the poster. Even if by the end of the year your change your selection of images you at least have the chance to be advertised in advance on the poster. Send reproduction quality scans to : marc.kereun@wanadoo.fr
Other details are emerging of the exhibit in Bry, the exhibition space is 400 m² in “Hôtel de Malestroit”. The lighting is said to be very favorable, the walls in 5 rooms are in grey colour and “directional spots anti UV in low frequence”. There are also cabinets for cased or unframed works.
It is looking likely that Jerry Spagnoli will give a workshop there on the process with Marc Kereun translating for the non english speaking participants. The Daguerre association is hoping to draw together contemporary daguerreotypists from across Europe for the event as well around the world so CDags.org is endeavouring to facilitate that.
For more details on the Event see the recently updated Daguerre association website (current events section). Also the link at the top of left hand column on this page has been updated to include all past and future posts on the event. In the dagforum there is a thread where people can post images they are submitting for the poster/exhibit or discuss the event in detail
MAY 1 – 31
Another upcoming exhibition features Mike’s daguerreotypes alongside vintage examples also from Toronto. A preview of some of the half plate portraits Mike made for the the exhibit can now be seen on his cdags.org gallery page.
The exhibit within the oldest remaining brick home from the Town of York recreates the intimacy of daguerreotypes’ original surroundings;
“Displayed within the authentic surroundings of Campbell House – on a mantelpiece, by a bed, in a traditional wooden cabinet – the exhibition highlights the intimate relationship that occurs between the viewer and the photographic object. As daguerreotypes were sometimes viewed in stereoscope, there will be a reproduction stereoscopic machine for viewing a specially selected image. An exhibition in the19th-century ballroom explains the medium’s origins and celebrates the story of Eli Palmer, Toronto’s first known daguerreotypist. Lecture by Mike Robinson, May 14, 8 pm, “Daguerreotypes, Past and Present.”
160 Queen St W, Toronto M5H 3H3
Tues – Fri, 9:30AM – 4:30PM, Sat – Sun 12 – 4:30PM
exhibition website link

A selection of occupational portraits have been added to Eric’s gallery, these images can be viewed in his current exhibition recently posted here – details available on the events page.

One of the biggest events in the contemporary daguerreian calendar in recent years is set for September 12 to October 18, 2009, in l’Hôtel de Malestroit building in Bry-sur-Marne, France.

From Marc Kereun, Curator of the exhibition;
“Since the invention of daguerreotype, multiple techniques have finally transformed the production of photography from argentic to digital technology. But despite the dominant position of digital photography, some contemporary daguerreotypists perpetrate the Art of Daguerre on the five continents. The subjects chosen by these artists come from very different inspiration landscape exploring the modern world but also the past. Therefore contemporary daguerreotypes regain interest in a world where virtual images prevail. The fact that it cannot be reproduced makes it today of piece of art when it was considered for some time as a handicap.
To celebrate the 170th anniversary of the disclosure of the daguerreotype technology, « Louis Daguerre, le Magicien de l’Image » Association and the Adrien Mentienne Museum in Bry-sur-Marne have organized a major exhibition of contemporary daguerreotypes made in recent years. Dedicated to a large audience who wait only to be surprised, this exhibition will show the diversity of themes explored by this medium as well as the finesse of the different artistic routes of theirs authors.
The exhibition will take place in Hôtel de Malestroit building in Bry-sur-Marne, nearby Paris, where Louis Daguerre lived from 1839 to his death in 1851.
If you are interested in participating, as daguerreotypist, to this exhibition planed from the September 12, to October 18, 2009, please send us back by email, the attached form.”
Click on the links below for the official call for submissions and the submission form:
Curatorial invitation (pdf) Form for submission of Daguerreotypes to the Exhibition (pdf)
Form for submission of Daguerreotypes to the Exhibition (word document)

So much to post about these days, here’s a gem just added to Irving’s gallery…

A recent move to mercurial development has paid great dividends to Takashi Arai. Portraiture has always been his strong suit and the new ones in his gallery have a intimate and captivating quality.